Monday, September 12, 2011

June 2011 Movies

Well, this post might seem to be extremely outdated. LOL! Oops! Fyi, I post the only two movies that I watched before in June, only for the sake of getting My Bloggie updated. Hehe! Anyway, both of these movies are worth to watch, ain't feeling that they are a waste of money or time. I rate them 8.9/10 =D

3rd of June, enjoyed watching X-Men First Class in MBO randomly with My Frenz. This movie is X-Men franchise, which possesses intense and hilarious scenes. The effects were juz nice. Somehow, quite sad to see the mutants leaving the humans. However, all of them find their own way to live happily.
While, 24th of June, enjoyed watching Ladda Land with My Frenz in TGV, Bukit Raja before practicing hip-hop dance for an event called, "U.S. Independence Day". This movie was scary enough, as there's numerous of unpredictable scenes. Is like all of us were surprisingly shocked for most certain parts of the movie. Sad part was when the dad ter-shot his son and thought he had killed his son which led him to commit suicide. In the end, his son was still alive and the family isn't perfect without the dad. However, the rest of the family's members still gotta find their own way to live their life.
Sad ending, however, they manage to survive in their own way =)

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